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无忧文档网    时间: 2021-03-18 21:17:00     阅读:

第59组 working 1)  working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ]  [美]['wɝkɪŋ]  加工 1. On working and Making Use of Books with CD-ROMs;  关于带盘图书的加工利用 2. They have good working effect, easy technology effect, saving time and labor and so on.  本文介绍了某种射流泵泵体加工的系列专用夹具。

3. To ensure the working accuracy and quality of the shaft sleeve of water pump and through the analysis of its technology, a self made design of the working tool set up is put forward which can reduce the labour strength of the operator. 为了保证水泵轴套的加工精度和质量 ,通过对水泵轴套加工工艺进行分析 ,提出了自己的加工工装设计 ,降低了操作人员的劳动强 4. On the Combination of NC Processing Technique with Traditional Processing Technique;  数控加工工艺与传统加工工艺相结合 5. The workers have come out for more pay.  工人为增加工资而罢工。

6. The application of EDM in machining technology for more holes die  电加工在多孔冲模加工工艺中的应用 7. The factory undertakes intensive and fine processing work. You are welcome to place orders for processing your own materials. 本厂承接各类深加工、精加工产品,欢迎来料加工。

8. Tieyi processing, metal processing accessories, motor transport. Processing and manufacturing. 铁艺加工,小五金配件加工,汽车运输。加工,制造。

9. CONTROLLED, STRATEGIC AND AUTOMATIC PROCESSES IN PROSPECTIVE MEMORYRETRIEVAL;  前瞻记忆提取的自动加工、策略加工和控制加工 10. remote fabrication  远距离加工[制造] 11. excessive stock  过大的(加工)余量 12. Caigang processing; Metal structure processing, manufacturing; Architectural metal processing, manufacturing; Heat preservation material processing. 彩钢加工;

13. finished cotton sheeting  棉床单布(加工品) 14. shape(sth)on a lathe  用车床加工(某物) 15. longevity pay  [美]年资附加工资 16. Article 11 Incorporated Products  第11条 加工产品 17. “Pure” excise  “纯粹”的附加工作 18. non-unionized staff  没有参加工会的员工 2)  working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ]  [美]['wɝkɪŋ]  工作 1. Working Model of Clinical Pharmacists Engaged in Cardiovascular Diseases;  心血管专业临床药师工作模式探讨 2. Event related potentials of early impairment of working memory in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征夜间间断性低血氧对早期工作记忆损害的事件相关电位 3. Working Analysis on Blade of Rotary Cultivator for 41Y Horticulture-typed Walking Tractor; 41Y型园艺手扶拖拉机旋耕机工作分析 4. Full-time Jobs and Part-time Jobs  全职工作和兼职工作 5. I work hard on workday .  我在工作日努力工作。

6. He works hard on workdays .  他在工作日努力工作。

7. He is working at a taBle.  他在工作台边工作。

8. A day on which work is usually done.  工作日做工作的一天 9. The newspaper staff worked overtime.  新闻工作人员超时工作 10. He always works in the new studio.  他总是在新工作室工作。

11. blue-collar job  蓝领工作,体力工作 12. To force to work too hard or too long.  使工作过度迫使过度工作或过久工作 13. installation work  安装工作布线工作布置工作 14. field worker  野外工作者,现场工作者,实地工作者 15. field work  野外工作,现场工作,实地工作 16. “We should handle well the work relating to ethnic minorities, religions and overseas Chinese.“ 做好民族工作、宗教工作和侨务工作。

17. A strike obstructed the work of the factory.  罢工妨碍了工厂的工作。

18. The foreman urged the workers on.  工头催促工人努力工作。

3)  working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ]  [美]['wɝkɪŋ]  劳动 1. The application of scientific and technological means in the improvement of working and living environment; 应用科技手段改善劳动与生活环境 2. China as working people become masters of the country, new images of working women had become the symbol of “New China Women“ which was promoted by the new China s authority. 新中国成立以后,在劳动人民翻身做了主人的时候,新的从事劳动的妇女劳动者形象就成为新中国国家话语所极力推崇的“新中国妇女”形象。

4. manual labour and mental labour  体力劳动与脑力劳动 5. individual labour and social labour  私人劳动与社会劳动 6. necessary labour and surplus labour  必要劳动与剩余劳动 7. concrete labour and abstract labour  具体劳动与抽象劳动 8. skilled labour and unskilled labour  熟练劳动与非熟练劳动 9. All work, be it mental or manual, is labour.  不论脑力劳动,体力劳动,都是劳动。

10. The Knowledge Labor, Its Value and Labor Value Theory;  知识劳动、知识劳动价值与劳动价值论 11. Bureau of Personnel and Labor  人事劳动局(人劳局) 12. Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) of U.S. Department of Labor  美国劳工部劳动事务处 13. penal servitude in labor camps.  劳动营中的惩罚性劳役 14. He had expected labour, and he found it, and did it, and made the best of it.  他希望劳动,也参加了劳动,便竭尽全力地劳动。

15. Ensure that the workers enjoy their rights and perform their obligations.  保障劳动者享有劳动权利和履行劳动义务。

16. Changes about Location of Labor Law and Alternation of the Theory about Workers and the Labor Workforce; 劳动法定位的转变与劳动者、劳动力理论的更新 17. Labor Greating Value-Apocalypses on Lntellective Labor Exceeding Physical Labor;  劳动创造价值:智力劳动超过体力劳动的启示 18. Deepening the Understanding of Simple labor,Complex Labor and Innovative Labor;  深化对简单劳动、复杂劳动和创新劳动的认识 4)  working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ]  [美]['wɝkɪŋ]  工作;开采 5)  working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ]  [美]['wɝkɪŋ]  工作作业 6)  working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ]  [美]['wɝkɪŋ]  工作,加工,维护






