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一份优秀的教案应该明确教学方法和策略的选择, ,教案不仅有助于教师,也使学生更容易理解学习的逻辑顺序和进展,以下是无忧文档小编精心为您推荐的英语基础班教案6篇,供大家参考。





1.all passengers ________ are expected to fasten the seat belts when the plane takes off or lands.

a.on the boardb.on board

c.on boards d.on a board

解析:选b。on board=aboard上船/飞机/车等;在车/船/飞机上等。

2.it’s far away from here and it’s certainly not ________walking distance.

a.within b.at

c.around d.on

解析:选a。本题考查介词。within walking distance表示走路就可以到。

3.—mom,may i play computer games just for a while?

— ________! dad is writing his paper.

a.help yourself b.it’s up to you

c.behave yourself d.go ahead

解析:选c。考查交际用语。behave yourself 好好的,听话,规矩点(对孩子等的用语)。help yourself请随便(吃、用等);it’s up to you由你决定;go ahead行,可以,往下说、问等。

4.the football player had ________gift for football when he was a child. now he is ________second to none in the football field.

a.the;the b.the;a

c.a;the d.a;不填

解析:选d。考查冠词。have a gift for对……有天赋;second to none 不比任何人差,首屈一指。

5.the new model of car is so expensive that it is only ________the reach of those with high incomes.

a.beyond b.at

c.in d.within

解析:选d。考查介词。within the reach of……能得到/到达/拿到等。beyond/out of the reach of……得不到/够不到/拿不到等。

6.with so much noise of the traffic, i couldn’t ________and do my research work.

a.put down b.settle down

c.break down d.take down

解析:选b。考查短语辨析。settle down安心做某事。put down 放下,写下;镇压;break down(机器)损坏,破坏;take down记下,记录。

7.—are you worried about the result of the exam?

—only ________.

a.absolutely b.approximately

c.slightly d.extremely

解析:选c。考查副词辨析。slightly 稍稍,轻微地。由 only 可知答案为slightly。absolutely绝对地,完全地;approximately大约,接近;extremely极其地,非常地。

8.there is no doubt,in my opinion, ________matters is not the speed,but the quality of the product.

a.that b.which

c.what that d.that what

解析:选d。考查名词性从句。that 引导的同位语从句说明doubt的内容;在此同位语从句中含有一个主语从句what matters。

9.after two years’ research,we now have a ________ better understanding of the disease.

a.very b.far

c.fairly d.quite


10.he came ________where i was hiding and my heart beat faster.

a.more closely to b.much closer

c.rather closer to d.quite closely to




(xx届英语周报第2期)martin frobisher, born in yorkshire,went to london as a boy to be educated by a relative. he showed no talent for book learning,so his relative sent him to sea. before reaching manhood, frobisher had been on two voyages to the guinea coast. on the second he was captured and handed over to the portuguese garrisoning(驻守) sao jorge da mina(now elmina, ghana),who allowed him to return to england.

by the 1570s,england had largely abandoned hope of finding a northeast passage to asia, and thoughts turned to the northwest. frobisher worked together with michael lok, a man of some wealth and learning. frobisher’s first voyage, in 1576,took him to frobisher bay in baffin island.

english investors(投资者),including queen elizabeth, poured money into lok’s company of cathay. frobisher sailed again in 1577, this time to ship home what he mistakenly thought was goldbearing minerals.lok still felt hopeful and sent frobisher back in 1578. this time the mariner discovered the hudson strait. he followed the strait for nearly 200 miles, believing it to be a more promising northwest passage than frobisher bay. he brought home more dirt and rocks, but english confidence had gone;lok went to a debtors’ prison and frobisher sought other employment.

frobisher accompanied sir francis drake to the west indies in 1585-1586.when philip ⅱ’s spanish armada(无敌舰队)entered the english channel in 1588, frobisher’s part in the fighting was successful and he received knighthood(爵士爵位).he died of a wound received near brest,where he had been sent to relieve the siege(解除包围).he lived just long enough to be taken back to plymouth.

?解题导语】本文记叙了英国著名探险家martin frobisher,他发现了加拿大的哈得孙海峡。

1.the underlined word“abandoned”in paragraph 2 can best be replaced by ________.

a.kept alive b.given up

c.seen d.shared

解析:选b。词义猜测题。根据本句的thoughts turned to the northwest可知,当时英国人基本放弃了东北通道的探寻,把目光投向了西北通道,故选b项。

2.from paragraph 3 we learn that frobisher at first ________.

a.brought gold to england

b.discovered a northeast passage

c.received strong support

d.had been put into prison

解析:选c。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的including queen elizabeth和poured money 可知,frobisher 当时得到了很大的支持,故选c项。

3.according to the passage, frobisher died in ________

a.frobisher bay b.the west indies

c.brest d.plymouth

解析:选d。细节理解题。根据文章最后一句he lived just long enough to be taken back to plymouth可知,frobisher是被送回普利茅斯以后去世的,故选d。

4.which of the following shows the right order of the events relating to frobisher?

a.he arrived in baffin island.

b.he voyaged to the guinea coast.

c.he went to the west indies.

d.he discovered the hudson strait.

a.b,a,d,c b.b,c,d,a

c.a,d,c,b d.a,b,c,d



what would you think if i told you i could eat 40 percent more food than other people—eating boxes of ice cream, bowls of noodles and plates of meat—all while losing weight?

you might hate me, thinking i have one of those annoyingly good metabolisms(新陈代谢)that just burn up fat the instant it enters my body. you might wonder if i have an intestinal(肠的)worm, or perhaps an eating disorder. or maybe you’d just shrug your shoulders and figure i have a rich fantasy life.

you’d be wrong.

for my body to finish such a surprising task, i would have to be a mouse. not just any mouse, but one lucky enough to be involved in a new study at baylor college of medicine in houston.

after identifying an enzyme(酶)that allows fat to be stored in the body, scientists fed mice without those enzymes, and found those mice were able to consume far more food than other mice—and still weigh 10 to 15 percent less.

best of all, the mice that had no enzymes were in very good health, producing baby mice with no problem and generally acting like any other mouse. that’s great news for obesity researchers, who think that scientists may figure out a way to prevent the fatmetabolizing(脂肪代谢)enzyme in humans and control weight gain. and such a pill would be very exciting for many struggling to get rid of dangerous extra pounds.

but don’t start planning any big dinner just yet: at this point, of course, any pill for humans is but a twinkle(闪烁) in the eye of every medicine company’s ceo. more tests are to be made, and eventually humans will be introduced in the test.

but for now,unfortunately,control in diet is still the key.


5.what does “such a surprising task”in paragraph 4 refer to?

a.eating a lot of food while losing weight.

b.burning up fat very quickly.

c.controlling the diet.

d.having a rich fantasy life.


6.why did the author say he / she had to be a mouse in paragraph 4?

a.because a mouse can lose weight no matter how much it eats.

b.because the weightlosing tests were made on the mouse.

c.because the mouse has a very good metabolism.

d.because the author wants to try the food without the enzyme.


7.in the experiment, the mice without those enzymes ________.

a.were in good condition

b.put on weight

c.became weak

d.could not have baby mice


8.what does the author want to show through the last two paragraphs?

a.you can be free of guilt when having big dinners.

b.scientists cannot find the key to identifying the enzyme.

c.don’t overeat before the test is made on humans.

d.it is unnecessary to control weight at present.



(xx年福建检测c)your home is a reflection of you...

we understand you want windows and doors that suit the look of your home as well as improve its energy efficiency(效率).

at award windows & doors we believe in building what you want rather than trying to persuade you to want what we have already built.

call us today and we will be happy to find out how we can build our windows and doors just for you and your home.

jordan primeau

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e-mail:jprimeau @ awardwindoors. com

josh stover

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. awardwindowsanddoors. com

it is what’s inside your home that matters

that’s why we make windows that count. our energy efficient windows will provide the best comfort for your family and will save money on your energy bills all the year round. so you can concentrate on giving your family the things that matter most.

contact us to find out how our energy efficient windows can help you save on your energy costs all the year round, or visit us at our renovations showroom.

3900-106 ave se, calgary, ab

(403) 720-8055

. allweatherwindows. com


9.according to the ads, the two companies are both expert at______.

a.making windows and doors that suit the look of your home

b.persuading people to want what have already been built

c.building windows that help save your energy costs

d.building your doors completely to your taste


10.the two ads are most probably about ________.

a.managing money matters

b.environmental protection

c.architecture styles

d.home improvement & design


11.if you prefer comfort as well as energy efficiency, you can_____.

a.call (403)982-1107 or(403)720-8055

b.call (403) 720-8055 or visit .

c.call at all weather windows or award windows & doors

d.visit renovations showroom or award windows & doors

解析:选b。细节理解题。题干的关键词是comfort和energy efficiency,可知第二个广告能满足这些要求,b项的两种联系方式正是第二个广告的联系方式



ⅰ. 单项填空

1. —do you let your kids travel alone at night?

— ________!

a. forget it b. go ahead

c. absolutely not d. at any time

解析:选c。forget it表示拒绝别人的请求,go ahead表示同意别人的请求,at any time表示在任何时间(都可以)。选项a、b、d均为答非所问。“absolutely not”表示决不同意,符合题意。

2. those who are not ________ with the progress they have made will work harder.

a. proud b. afraid

c. popular d. content

解析:选d。本题考查be content with的用法,be proud of“以……为豪”,be afraid of“怕……”,be popular with“受……欢迎”。句意:那些不满意自己的进步的人,会更努力工作。

3. —you are late again,tom?

—sorry,but i got ________a heavy traffic jam.

a. caught inb. taken inc. put offd. held by

解析:选a。be/get caught in是固定搭配,指“突然碰上;突然遭受”,多用于被动结构。

4. as a film star she was a success,but as a wife she was ________failure,so their marriage ended in ________failure.

a. 不填;不填 b. 不填;a c. a;a d. a;不填


5. our teacher looked here and there on our playground ________looking for something.

a. even though b. even if

c. as if d. only if

解析:选c。根据前面的looked here and there判断,我们的老师“好像”在找东西,所以用as if。

6. —i’m green at everything.

—don’t worry. ________you get older,you will get more experience.

a. as b. till c. unless d. since


7. in a sports team each player has a clear role,and there are few occasions ________members are confused or uncertain about their roles.

a. whose b. that c. when d. which


8. mr. brown thought it would be a good idea to have ________from his workers to improve his plan.

a. summaries b. admissions

c. comments d. connections


9. besides television,the internet is now another major way of communication ________us to see as well as to hear the performer.

a. permitted b. having permitted

c. being permitted d. permitting


10. you may feel it ________that such a little girl can speak three foreign languages fluently in this small town.

a. surprising b. surprised

c. to surprise d. being surprised


ⅱ. 完形填空

(xx届双语报12期)after my mother passed away,my dad tried even harder to stay healthy and active. each morning he swam in the pool,and no matter how he felt,he would __1__swim one more lap (圈) than the previous day,just to prove there was always room for __2__.

by his late 70s,in spite of his swimming,his strength and energy had noticeably __3__. by age 81,he was in poor health because of heart problems and arthritis (关节炎). he pretended he didn’t __4__to lean heavily on me for support as we walked slowly,i pretended not to __5__,and naturally held him. one day he said,“in case of an emergency,i do not __6__to be kept alive by any medical means. i’ve made an official will for that __7__. ”

a month later he had a heart attack. in the emergency room,__8__,he told me his wish. he was __9__with intensive care(重症护理),but he still had his sense of __10__,asking me,“does this mean we can’t keep our lunch date tomorrow?”then he turned toward the wall next to his bed,and __11__to look at me. there was a miserable silence between us. then he said,“i don’t want you to __12__me as a helpless old man. __13__you won’t,darling!and please go now. ”

those were my father’s last __14__. i had regretted not holding his hand and telling him of my love as he had passed on,__15__a dream set me free. my father came to visit me in the dream and told me his __16__of the story:

i’m telling you the truth,my darling daughter. i __17__you love me as i love you. and i did not want you there __18__my death. that was what you wanted,not what i wanted. my death was __19__,just the way it was. there are two sides to everything-__20__death.


1. a. never b. seldom

c. occasionally d. always

解析:选d。根据前面的“no matter how”,可知这里强调父亲总是坚持每天多游一圈。

2. a. success b. activeness

c. improvement d. feeling

解析:选c。只有c项符合前文“one more lap than the previous day”的语境。

3. a. decreased b. increased c. recovered d. protected

解析:选a。根据前文“in spite of”,可知a为正确答案。

4. a. like b. dare c. need d. expect

解析:选c。根据上文的“poor health”,可知父亲是需要依靠“我”的;再根据“pretended”,可知这里表示:他装作不需要。

5. a. accept b. notice c. mention d. believe

解析:选b。根据后文的“naturally held him”,可知“我”假装没有发现父亲的伪装。

6. a. pretend b. order c. believe d. want


7. a. situation b. decision c. condition d. subject


8. a. instead b. again c. besides d. moreover

解析:选b。这是父亲第二次提到他的意愿,即“not __6__to be kept alive by any medical means”。

9. a. curious b. satisfied

c. uncomfortable d. unfamiliar


10. a. reasoning b. purpose c. humor d. direction


11. a. failed b. refused c. tended d. intended

解析:选b。从上文的“he turned toward the wall”,可知此处是“父亲不想看见我”。

12. a. remember b. treat c. recognize d. accept


13. a. promise b. permit c. forbid d. try


14. a. lessons b. suggestions c. awards d. words


15. a. unless b. if c. until d. because


16. a. ground b. side c. step d. line

解析:选b。上文提到的“holding his hand and telling him of my love as he had passed on”,只是“我”的看法;下文将会是父亲的看法。side在这里表示“立场”。

17. a. doubt b. imagine c. know d. require


18. a. before b. after c. at d. without


19. a. perfect b. incredible c. amazing d. imaginable

解析:选a。根据后文的“just the way it was”,可知父亲对他的死法很满意,认为那个样子就很好了。

20. a. mostly b. nearly c. even d. ever


ⅲ. 阅读理解


it was molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work.

one morning, in addition to his usual lunch bag, molly handed him a second paper bag. this one was worn and held together with staples(书钉).

“why two bags?”her father asked. “the other is something else,”molly answered. “what’s in it?”“just some stuff (东西). take it with you. ”

not wanting to discuss the matter, he put both sacks into his briefcase, kissed molly and rushed off. at midday he opened molly’s bag and took out the contents: two hair ribbons (丝带), three small stones, a plastic dinosaur, a tiny sea shell, a small doll, and 13 pennies. . . . the busy father smiled, finished eating, and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, molly’s stuff included.

that evening, molly ran up behind him as he read the paper. “where’s my bag?”“what bag?”“the one i gave you this morning. ”“i left it at the office, my dear. ”“i forgot to put this note in it,”she said. “and, besides, daddy, the things in the sack are the things i really like. i thought you might like to play with them. you didn’t lose the bag, did you, daddy?”“oh, no,”he said, lying. “i just forgot to bring it home. i’ll bring it tomorrow. ”while molly hugged her father’s neck, he unfolded the note that read. “i love you, daddy. ”molly had given him her treasures—all that a 7­year­old held dear.

love was in a paper bag, and he missed it—not only missed it, but had thrown it in the wastebasket. so he went back to the office. just ahead of the night janitor(看门人),he picked up the bag from the wastebasket. he put the treasures inside and carried it home carefully. the bag didn’t look so good, but the stuff was all there and that’s what counted.

after dinner, he asked molly to tell him about the stuff in the sack. it took a long time to tell.

everything had a story or a memory.

“sometimes i think of all the great times in this sweet life,”he thought. we should all remember that it’s not the destination that counts in life, but the journey. that journey with the people we love is all that really matters. it is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.

1. why did molly give her father a second bag?

a. she didn’t want to keep the things in the bag.

b. she hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.

c. she wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.

d. she enjoyed playing with her father.


2. how did father deal with the bag after he opened it?

a. he kept it in the drawer.

b. he took it back home.

c. he threw it into the wastebasket.

d. he put it on his table.


3. after father heard what his daughter said, he felt ________.

a. regretful b. surprised

c. sad d. satisfied


4. which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?

a. an important journey b. two bags

c. father and daughter d. love in a paper bag



(xx年成都外国语学校4月模拟)stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

the seeds and the power to grow them are contained in the human mind. success is a choice but not a chance. you can be a success if only you make the right choice.

you cannot be successful without first developing your self­esteem(自尊). your level of self­esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. people with low self­esteem do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. they are leaves tossed(摇摆) by the winds of chance brought about with any sudden change in the weather.

you can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for whatever happens in your life. failures think that everything happens by accident while successful people realize that they are responsible.

everything happens as a result of something. if we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. we are responsible for what we consciously choose to accept and believe. thoughts and beliefs cause everything. our attitudes and actions are a result of habits ingrained in us over a period of time. one generally rises to the level that one expects. we are responsible for setting our expectations. our success depends upon our level of confidence. we are responsible for either reinforcing good habits or kicking bad habits and consciously replacing them with consistently practiced good habits.

if you associate with positive­thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success. on the contrary, the opposite happens. we are responsible for finding, planting, and nurturing(培育) the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks.

in short, in all areas of your life, whether they be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success.

5. losers would think that ________.

a. success is the result of hard work

b. working hard will lead to success

c. they fail only because of bad luck

d. they don’t make efforts to succeed


6. it can be inferred from paragraph 5 that ________.

a. whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes

b. developing confidence is the key to future success

c. thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind

d. setting our expectations is essential before taking action


7. the last paragraph serves as ________.

a. the proof of the author’s point

b. the conclusion of the argument

c. an introduction to another topic

d. a comparison between two views

解析:选b。最后一段开头的短语in short暗示本段为文章的结论部分。

8. which is the best title of the text?

a. success is a choice b. the secrets of success

c. develop our confidence d. how to achieve success




1. 巩固学习有关游戏或活动的六组词汇。

2. 学习交际用语的表达can you? yes, i can. no, i cant.


学习交际用语的表达can you? yes, i can. no, i cant.





1. 师生问好。

2. 跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌谣。


1. 学生听单词,举卡片。

2. 教师闪现单词卡片的一部分,让学生猜测并说出相应词组。


a look listen and repeat


1. 让学生听录音,看情境图理解对话。

2. 学生再听录音,指认人物对话。

3. 学生第三次听录音,跟读对话。并引导学生细致模仿录音中的语音语调。


1. 师生示范:师生分别扮演bill和joy,表演a项对话。

2. 生生示范:教师邀请几组语言水平较好的学生示范表演对话。


unit 1 playtime

lesson 2

can you?

yes, i can./ no, i cant.


recycle 1


1. 复习第1-3单元所学的日常用语,要求学生能在实际的情景中进行运用。



4. 学唱歌曲“how are you?”。


一、 教学内容与分析:let's act

本部分呈现了一个幽默的故事,mike, john带着zoom和zip的面具假扮zoom和zip,碰到sarah和bai ling,没想到真的zoom和zip出现了,mike,john就溜之大吉,zoom和zip不明白为什么sarah和bai ling看到他们就去追赶mike和john了,所以,故事的最后zip十分不解,看看zoom。要让学生明白故事所学的日常用语的复习,教师要注意培养学生在实际情景中运用语言的能力。

二、 课前准备:

1. sarah,bai ling,zoom,zip的头饰。

2. zoom和zip的面具。将面具中的眼睛处挖空。

3. 教师准备一个小球和一个眼罩,没有眼罩的可用手绢。

三、 教学步骤

1. 热身/复习(warm-up/revision)

(1) 教师播放歌曲hello,学生听音,伴以拍手等动作。

(2) 问候接力赛(参看unit 3)。

2. 新课展示(presentation)

(1) 通过师生间的日常对话引出who are you? i'm...

(2) 两人对话操练 who are you? i'm...

(3) 听录音来展示let's act部分的教学内容。

3. 趣味操练(practice)

(1) 教师根据对话提问题,如:is this zoom?等等。

(2) 游戏“听音乐,传小球”

(3) 教师放录音,让学生跟读对话。

(4) 学生六人一组戴上头饰和面具进行角色表演。

(5) 游戏:到底你是谁

4. 课堂评价(assessment)


5. 课外活动(add-activities)

(1) 听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。

(2) 让学生根据所学对话,自编一段对话,注意运用所学内容。


一、 教学内容与分析:let's play

1. chant and find


2.chant and colour


二、 课前准备:

1. 教师准备各色蜡笔。

2. 教师准备pencil,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,sharpener,


3. 教师准备chant and find的挂图或投影片。

4. 教师准备一本小红书和一本大蓝书。

5. 教师准备放大的chant and colour的挂图或投影片。

6. 教师给每个学生准备一幅同书上一样的小丑图。

三、 教学步骤

1. 热身/复习(warm-up/revision)

(1) 让学生听“colour song”并拍手跟唱。

(2) 问候接力赛。

(3) 用“guessing game”来复习颜色。教师准备各色蜡笔,让一个学生上讲台,将放在讲台上的蜡笔选一支放在身后,让其他同学猜藏的是什么颜色。并引出颜色grey。

(4) 用游戏“slow motion”(慢动作)来复习文具。

(5) 用simon says的游戏复习小丑身体的部位。(游戏规则同前)

2. 新课展示(presentation)

(1) 教师出示小红书,问:what's this?what colour is it? 然后通过和大蓝书对比,教little和big.

(2) 教师把chant and find的图贴在黑板上,用一张纸遮住,告诉学生:this is a picture.what's in the picture?然后让学生一点一点地看图,look,look,look!再通过师生问答的形式找到图中的文具。

(3) 教师也可先将chant and find的图呈现给学生,但图中的文具都背对学生贴在图上.

(4) 教师将课本上小丑的图放大贴在黑板上,教师可指着feet告诉学生feet,教师注意强调一只脚是foot,两只脚是feet。然后教师一边放chant and colour的录音,一边涂色,注意放慢速度。

3. 趣味操练(practice)

(1) 教师让学生听chant and find的录音,边听边在自己的课本上按听到的顺序指出找到的文具,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心


(2) 让学生听chant and find的录音,看黑板上的大图,边拍手边跟录音读歌谣。教师按文具顺序在图上用教鞭提示。

(3) 教师读chant and colour,让学生在自己的书上根据所听到的顺序,将书上的小丑涂色。

(4) 学生一边拍手一边说chant and colour的童谣。

4. 课堂评价(assessment)


5. 课外活动(add-activities)

将let's play的两首童谣唱会。
















本册书共八个单元,其中四、八单元为复习单元;每个单元设六课,其中 1-3 课为第一层次学习内容,主要以学习基本单词和句子为主。第 4-6 课为第二层次学习内容,在学习第一层次内容的基础上,适量扩展话语、平行学科知识和双向文化等内容。在这六课中,第一课大多以生动的画面和优美韵律的歌谣呈现本单元的基本词汇。

本册书一共有六个话题:school, body, animals, numbers, colours, fruit。所有话题都与学生自身密切相关,为学生所关注。










2.能力目标: 通过课堂学习操练,使学生能用英语表达自己对某种水果的喜好。




词汇: apple, pear, banana, peach, melon, orange

句子:what do you like? i like...


pear, melon, orange 中元音的发音。






step one: getting the pupils ready for class.

t: are you ready for class?

ss: yes!

t: let's begin our class, ok?

ss: ok!

t: now, class begins.

ss: stand up!

step two: greetings.

t: good morning/afternoon, class.

ss: good morning/afternoon, ms wu.

t: nice to see you!

ss: nice to see you, too!




let's chant.

red, red, i like red.

green, green, i like green.

black, black, i like black.

blue, blue, i like blue.

pink, pink, i like pink.

green, green, i like green.

white, white, i like white.

what colour do you like?


设计意图:通过说唱歌谣,调动学生情绪调节课堂气氛。同时复习“i like...”句型,为新课作准备。


step one: lead in.

t: you can chant it very well! so, you can get the prize. i will make some fruit salad for you! do you know salad? (show a bottle of salad dressing and a bowl of fruit salad.) do you like salad? fruit salad is delicious. for me,(show an apple)i like apples, i like the apple salad. (face to one of the pupils, and show a pear.) maybe you like pears, so you like the pear salad. (face to another pupil and show a banana.) perhaps you like bananas, so you like the banana salad. (face to the whole class.) what kind of fruit salad shall we make? it depends on you!




t: (point to the screen.) what do you see in this picture?

ss: i see an apple, a banana/ peach ...


设计意图 1:本环节为知识整体输入,使学生明确本节课将要学到的知识有哪些。语言点落实到单词阶段,即此环节的学习结束后,学生对本课所呈现的六种水果应有一个清晰的概念,同时能用英语说出两三种自己感兴趣的水果。能力强的学生可能说的更多,这样也可使各种层次的学生都有所得。

设计意图 2:以课件形式呈现多种水果图片,供学生选择性地学习。学生自由发言,说出自己已记住的水果名称词,这样不仅可以让学生学会合作学习,同时也能兼顾到不同层次的学生,给他们限度的发展空间。

t: (give the pupils some samples, and ask them to speak out the sentence. for example, show an apple.) an apple.

t: (show two apples.) apples. i like apples.

… …

i like apples. what do you like?

i like pears. what do you like?

i like oranges. what do you like?

i like peaches. what do you like?

i like melons. what do you like?

i like bananas. what do you like?

… …

t: do you want to know what kind of fruit your friend like? you can go and ask him or her now.

… …

t: now, let's do part b.

活动设计:首先,教师利用实物教具教给学生如何用英语表达自己喜欢的水果。其次,教师有选择地提问 10 名学生(不同层次),进行机械操练。最后,教师组织学生进行自由问答活动。

设计意图:因为“what do you like?” 和“i like...”是学生熟悉的句子,在教师做了大量的示范后,让学生自由问答可增强他们学习的实效性,并使他们意识到用英语交际的快乐,从而体验成就感,同时为后面的小组活动做语言准备。



单词:festival, card, stocking, present, bell

词组:santa claus, christmas tree,

日常用语:merry christmas! you too. here’s a present for you. thank you.




2.能使用本课日常用语:merry christmas! you too. here’s a present for you. thank you.










2.能使用本课日常用语:merry christmas! you too.



2.festival, stocking, present等多音节单词的读音




step 1. warming up (热身活动)

1.duty report

2.listen to a song and follow the song

step 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课)


t: who are you?

s: guess!

t: who knows who he is?

ss: 圣诞老人。——引出新名词santa claus(学习)

step 3. learning(学习新课)


2.图片或实物出示christmas tree, stocking, present(逐一学习)

eg: t: (指铃铛)bell, bell, this is a bell.

t: (指长筒袜)stocking, stocking, this is a stocking.



eg: amy, you are santa claus.(学生amy,走向santa claus的图片)


4.learn a new chant ——compete

5.t: when we bless someone on christmas day. we say…

merry christmas!——学习

6.listen and repeat

step 4. practicing (操练)

1.group work——show



t: here is a present for you.

s: thank you.

t: merry christmas!

s: you too!

3.group work——show


5.pair work——用英文表达相互赠送

step 5. summary (小结)

1.学会了单词:festival, card, stocking, present, bell词组:santa claus, christmas tree

2.学会了日常用语:merry christmas! you too. here’s a present for you. thank you.


step 6. homework (家庭作业)

1.copy new words

2.draw what you like and give your parents saying:“ here’s a present for you.”






