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无忧文档网    时间: 2024-09-08 15:01:06     阅读:




the summer vacation had come round again. i was happy that i could forget about school at least for a while. lest i fool around all through this summer vacation, i made a plan as to how to spend it. first, i thought i should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that i could have a better understanding of them. then i thought i should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. it stood to reason that with such a good plan i should make the best of my vacation time. i did, because i lived up to what i had planned.


that day, because of the hot weather, my father took me to the river to play and brought a bottle of fish. when i came to the river, my father sat down under the tree and took the cool. i was playing with water and catching fish in the river.

suddenly, i saw a shrimp, and thought it was a fish, and i was eager to put my arm around it, but it ran away. i went after it, and i put my hand around it, and i put my arm around it, and i looked at it, and it turned out to be a shrimp. at that moment, i was like a deflated ball. i thought: it's not easy to catch it, or keep it up! then i caught a few fish and put them in the bottle.

i carried the bottle proudly forward and stepped on a piece of moss on the stone. just listen to "dong", i look like a drowned chicken, whole body is water. and the fish and shrimp in the bottle took advantage of the opportunity, leaving an empty bottle in the water. i picked up the bottle and glumly headed for the bank. it's a real "no chicken, no rice". as a result, i went home wet.

every time i think about it, my face goes red to the ear.






skating is an interesting thing. when i see other children wearing skates, they feel good and admire them. during the summer vacation, i also practiced and learned to skate.

it was a weekend in the morning, my mother took me to a small uncle to play, little big uncle from the cupboard and took out his beloved skates, said to take me to the central plaza, to teach me how to skate, i listened to my heart joy bloom, immediately agreed. and my uncle came to the square, there have been many children in the play, i can't wait to pull out your skates, little uncle soon wear the shoes for me, pulling me by the hand, wear so heavy shoes, i can't stand standing, let alone to go. small uncle began to teach me the basic skills, practice station, but he did i can not control themselves, immediately fell, little uncle holding i stood there motionless, although small uncle is a skater, but he is a year older than me, so get both are full head big sweat, after a more than 10 minutes, little uncle hand slowly open, i can stand up, then i will try to move forward, fell down his climb up again and continue to go to practice. i forgot the hot sun in the sky, forgot the wet clothes, and wanted to learn to skate quickly.

with all my efforts, i finally managed to walk away. although i was injured a lot during the course of the study, i felt it was worth it.

ilearned to skate, i felt so happy, so excited, so proud.


we have just finished our military training.i have to admit that i have so much feelings to express! this has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new doubt it has left a good impression in my mind.it has a beautiful scenery and a good environment for study as well,especially equipped with many advanced facilities. i feel very happy to study here.

during the training period,i had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe trainers.with time passed by,i gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we faced.furthermore, there was a lot of fun during the training. i has enjoyed a good relationship with my new classmates.

now that the training is over, i still have learned a lot which can benefit my life in the future. i cant wait any more to start my new life in high school.


time passed quickly, and soon the summer came again. so, did you enjoy your summer holidays? i was very happy. i believe that the students must have had a lot of fun during the holiday. there are many interesting things in my summer vacation, and the long and colorful summer vacation of last year is like a flowing stream. the "brook" sings merrily and merrily all the time. and the fun of summer vacation is like a wave of waves, which will always be treasured in my memory. let's talk about that.

remember the noon of a holiday, the sun gongxiu moxiing the earth. look! both the cicadas and the other little animals cried out, "heat is dead, heat is dead..." those flowers were also sigh, seems to be withered, the grass brother bent almost burned by the sun, "cried sadly:" was thirsty, so thirsty!" the heat in the air made people gasp for breath.

my sister and i were in the room eating ice cream and fanning the electric fan, and suddenly i thought of playing a nose game. so we drew a picture of a little girl on the little chalkboard, with hair, mouth, eyes, and no nose. because the nose is for us.

the game starts, we rock the scissors, and then i get to the blackboard first. sister with their clothes on my eyes, i stick my nose go up, take off clothes and get a shock, i put my head is on the outside to the nose, they all laughed. then they all come up and play the game. first blindfold, turn three times. some put their noses on the top of their mouths, others put their noses under their mouths... we laughed. finally there is a covered with eyes, she fell to the stage, she walked up to the front of the blackboard, touch left and right touch, feel, touch, touch to the last post, post,

the game in the room ended in laughter.






