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八年级英语导学案37 (Unit8-Integrated skills & Study skills) 【预习任务】 一、英汉互译:
1. 一份关于学生日常习惯的调查 2. 刷牙时关上水龙头 3. 带自己的包去超市 4. 周围有更多的树会更美丽 5. 对健康有害(2) / 6. take showers for less than 10 minutes 7. use both sides of the paper 8. be asked about their daily habits 9. help keep soil in place during storms 10. recycle empty bottles to make new things 二、思考:
1. empty的反义词是________________。

2. dust可数不可数? 3. harm的词性用法是什么?它的形容词形式有几种? 4. 写作中的错误主要有哪几种?分别用英文表示。

三、预习Integrated skills的Part A1和A2,并作出预判。

四、预习Study skills的短文,找出其中10个错误(第一个已标出) 【随堂反馈】 一、单项选择:
( )1. Don’t complain about that. You just made ________ mistakes in yesterday’s exam. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little ( )2. ---Oh, Dad, the Chinese medicine tastes really ________. I don’t want to take it. ---But, dear, it is good for you. A. terribly B. terrible C. well D. nice ( )3. I’m not sure if he ________ the tennis match. If he ________. Please call me at once. A. has won, win B. will win, wins C. wins, wins D. wins, will win ( )4. I found ________ not easy to remember all the twelve star signs because they are difficult to pronounce and spell. A. that B. it’s C. this D. it ( )5. ---I’m a teenager’s mother. Sometimes I don’t know ________. ---Love and understanding. A. what does my daughter want to get B. why is my daughter interested in chatting online C. what my daughter needs most D. why my daughter gets worried very often ( )6. From his book we can learn that life is ________ ups and downs. A. filled of B. full with C. filled with D. fill of ( )7. The number of the boys in their class is ________ than ________ of those in ours. A. smaller, that B. more, those C. larger, that D. more, it ( )8. The money you donated is used to _____ the poor children who can’t afford to go to school. A. help B. helped C. helping D. helps ( )9. Many people are not used to ________ in front of many people. A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. be spoken ( )10. This is ________ song I have told you about. Isn’t it ________ beautiful one? A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, the ( )11. ---Could you tell me ________? ---Yes, they ________ to the museum. A. where the girls are, have gone B. where were the girls, have been C. where are the girls, have gone D. where the girls were, have been ( )12. They are ________ easy problems that ________ many students can solve them. A. so, so B. so, such C. such, such D. such, so 二、单词变形:
1. His car stood under the tree for a long time, with thick _______________(灰尘). 2. Many young people like to do online _______________(调查). 3. One of the _________________(风暴) could hit Zhejiang this week. 4. He found an _________________(空的) box to put all the books in. 5. Look! The children are talking ________________(noise) in the classroom. 6. Don’t play with knives, guns, otherwise, you’ll hurt _______________(hurt). 7. Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest __________________(live) writers. 8. Such weather made me feel even ____________________(ill). 9. Who is the ___________________(own) of the pet dog? 10. Millie made lots of mistakes because she did her homework _______________(care) last night. 11. If the mouse isn’t connected with the computer ________________(proper), it won’t work. 12. What ________________(act) can we take to protect our environment? 13. He is a man of __________________(wide) interests than any other men in his office. 14. English is __________________(wide) used in business between countries. 15. If the food goes bad, it must be _________________(throw) away. 16. It’s a good habit to eat _________________(nature) food. 17. August is the hottest among the ________________(month) you are talking about. 18. The best and _________________(wise) way to get around in the city centre is to walk. 19. Would you please __________________(send) us some wine when you go to France? 20. I was made _________________(read) the text once more by Miss Chen. 三、翻译句子:
1. 很少有人会在刷牙的时候关掉水龙头。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 使用纸张的正反两面是一种好习惯。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我认为有更多的树木环绕,我们的城市会变得更加美丽。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 我们依赖自然资源来生存,所以我们要学会理性使用。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 媒、石油和天然气对工厂有着更为广泛的用途。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 从地下挖出了很多珍贵(valuable)的文物。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 我们在使用自然资源时,应该尽量少浪费,循环使用或回收利用。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 8. 人们到了该采取适当行动来保护环境的时候了。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 9. 他学习十分用功,结果考试轻松过关。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 调查显示仍然还有很多学生们能做到的事情。

__________________________________________________________________________________ 四、完形填空:
Beauty will buy no beef. Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has 1 standard about beauty. Nowadays some people may think that they can own beauty if they have a good looking. They are 2 with their appearance. So they 3 much money taking a kind of operation to make themselves 4 . Can beauty really be man-made? If so, everybody can get beauty. 5 a result, there is 6 beauty at all. The appearance 7 by our parents and is unique in the world. Everyone should value it. I would rather nature as the standard of beauty. Just accept yourself, accept everything 8 the god gives to you, and create the beautiful life belonging 9 you. Many heroes 10 beautiful appearance. However, their beautiful images often come to our minds. Their beauty 11 what they have devoted to the society. Don't try to judge 12 a person is beautiful or not without a complete understanding of him. A beautiful person is not the one 13 a good looking, but with a 14 heart. Good looking is pleasant while spiritual beauty is more important. As an old saying goes, “ Virtue is fairer than beauty. ” If you have a kind heart, you own real 15 . ( )1. A. her own B. own C. his own D. his own’s ( )2. A. not angry B. satisfied C. happy D. not satisfied ( )3. A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost ( )4. A. ugly B. rich C. good-looking D. famous ( )5. A. At B. And C. As D. With ( )6. A. some B. a C. a lot of D. no ( )7. A. is giving B. is given C. given D. is made ( )8. A. that B. when C. what D. who ( )9. A. with B. for C. of D. to ( )10.A. mustn’t B. haven’t C. aren’t have D. don’t have ( )11. A. comes from B. comes of C. comes up D. comes over ( )12. A. weather B. whether C. that D. which ( )13. A. has B. have C. with D. and ( )14. A. broken B. broad and kind C. cruel D. unfriendly ( )15. A. beautiful B. beauty C. money D. health 五、缺词填空:
Trees are beautiful to look at. Some of them are so t 1 that seem to touch the sky. They are p 2 by artists and w 3 about in poems, songs and stories. Trees are also an important part of our world. Trees provide w 4 for building things. They provide h 5 for wildlife. They help keep us c 6 in summer. We don’t have to use as much electricity for air conditioning if our houses have many trees a 7 .Trees keep us w 8 in winter. They can p 9 the cold wind from reaching our houses. Trees also help keep the air c 10 . Trees really do lots for us, our environment and other plants and animals in nature. 1. _______________ 2. _____________ 3. _______________ 4. ______________ 5. _____________ 6. _______________ 7. _____________ 8. _______________ 9. ______________ 10. ____________ 【订正与反思】






