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无忧文档网    时间: 2021-03-10 12:14:37     阅读:

教学课题 Unit1 Task 时间 教学重点 To learn to write their dream homes 教学难点 At the foot of , more than enough food, invite sb. To do sth., have parties 模拟课堂 教师活动内容 学生活动内容 设计意图 创设情境 激趣引入 Task 1 Ask and answer Work in pairs, talk about your home and ask some questions each other. What kind of home do you live in, a flat or a house? How many floors does it have? Do you have a garden? What place is your favourite? How many rooms are there in your home? How many people are there in your home? What things do you have in your home? Ask and answer the questions Lead-in new lesson 设疑引探 自主建构 Task 2 Complete the questionnaire Complete the questionnaire in Part A on Page 16. Notes: last name = family name 姓 first name = given name 名字 Task 3 Listen and answer What does Simon’s dream home look like? Listen to Simon’s dream home 1. Where is Simon’s dream home? At the foot of a hill. 2. Where can they play football? On the football field. Ask and answer 巩固练习 深化认识 Task 4 Read and answer 1. Is Simon’s dream home big? 2.How many floors are there in the house? 3. What’s on the ground floor? 4. What’s on the first floor? 5. What else does he have? What can they do there? Read and answer Understand the lesson 合作探究 小组活动 Paragraph1 Where’s Simon’s dream home/ How many floors are there in his home? What’s outside his home? Paragraph2 What’s on the ground floor? Paragraph3 What’s on the first floor? Paragraph4 What’s on the second floor? 回顾全课 小结延伸 1.at the foot of My house is at the foot of the hill. 2. more than enough food There is more than enough food in the fridge. 3. , invite sb. To do sth. I want to invite him to my home. I want to invite him to play football with me. Discuss and learn Master language points 收获反馈 当堂检测 Task 5 Writing 根据以下要点,写一篇题为My dream home短文。




4.房子前有个花园,我可以在花园里赏花, 享受快乐。

Write and read Show their work 板 书 设 计 1.at the foot of E.g.My house is at the foot of the hill. 2.more than enough food E.g.There is more than enough food in the fridge. 3.invite sb. To do sth. E.g.I want to invite him to my home. I want to invite him to play football with me. 亮点呈现 让学生通过对话,小组讨论,然后组织语言,学生自然生成文章。让学生当堂展示文章,锻炼了学生说的能力,达到全面发展。






