【摘 要】本文以认知语用学中的关联理论为指导,论证了语境因素、语篇分析对非英语研究生入学考试英语语篇教学的指导意义。并运用篇章语言学的知识,提出了关联理论构架的整合语篇分析理解模式,同时揭示了英语语篇教学与文化导入的内在关联。
【关键词】关联理论 语篇 语境 文化
研究生入学考试阅读理解A的考试特点:短文取材主要是实用性强的,并体现书面交际能力的议论文与说明文;内容涉及经济、文化、科技、生活诸领域和学科的热点问题,偏向社会和人文科学,也有自然科学类文段。黄国文(1988)指出:“语篇分析通常指的是对比句子/语段(sentence/ utterance)更大的语言单位所作的语言分析,目的在于解释人们如何构造和理解各种连贯(coherent)的语篇。”这种超句法的语篇分析内容不仅包括语篇的结构、句子的排列、句际关系、会话结构,语篇的指向性、信息度,句子间的语句衔接和语义连贯,而且还涉及到语法、文体、语用、语义等方面。下面先让我们看两个例子。
(1)In the mill,I learned the process of making paper,First, the logs are put in the shredder.Then,they are cut into small chips and mixed with water and acid.Next, they fare heated and crushed to a heavy pulp to be cleaned. It is also chemically bleached to whiten it. After this, it is passed through rollers to flatten it. Then,sheets of wet paper are produced.Finally, the water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined until the finished paper is produced.
从以上的语段我们可以引导考生分析,考生通过 first, then, next, after this, then和finally 具有衔接功能的连接词,找到作者给读者的示意,即,整个语篇具有逻辑清楚的先后顺序。考生通过作者的明示,得到最佳关联,从而,清晰地认识到语篇的中心是描述造纸的全过程。推断出作者的思路。从而提高阅读理解的效率和准确率。
(2)A relatively new feature of radio broadcasts in the United States is the call-in therapy shows, in which callers get the opportunity to air problems,however intimate, while the hosts offer them free, and immediate, advice. They started, like so many other self-help psychology ideas, in California in the early 1970"s,but now they have spread to many other parts of the country and enjoy considerable popularity. This phenomenon certainly does not please all psychologists and the shows have become a matter of some concern to their professional association, the APA.
这篇语段用了however, but 具有转折意义的关联,考生可以对这种提示,正确理解、分析句子之间的逻辑关系,语篇的层次结构,句子的表达意义。而且确定文章的主题思想,作者的思想意图。从而达到准确理解。此语断谈论的是美国利用无线电广播进行的对话治疗,电话咨询者可以通过无线电提出问题,而主持人为他们提供免费和及时忠告。However示意转折,无论关系多么亲密,都可用电话交流。这种咨询方式70年代初期起源于加利福尼亚而现在已风靡全国。But 在这里起着递进、加强的作用。此语段另一衔接手段为指称代词,考生应认识到指称代词的功能:避免重复,承上启下,使上下句的逻辑关系清晰。本文的“them”指代“callers”, “ they” 在句中起到承上启下的作用,“承上”指它对上文进行的总结,“启下”是指它对下文起到的转折作用。因此,可以推断它指的是 “电话对话治疗。”此类需要凭借衔接手段的关联考试题,在考研试题中非常普遍,分数占的比例较大。
上是指语篇作者的示意和读者理解产生直接影响的要素。阅读即是在认知语境下对语篇的解读过程。正如Sperber 和Wilson (1986)所指出:“关联原则本身就能足够解释语言结构和背景知识如何相互作用去决定言语理解。”由于人们的知识是外在世界的概括和抽象加工的结果,语用因素的结构化产生认知语境。语篇的认知语境是由人们在不同场合使用的语言和语篇在内容和结构方面的知识和经验的构成。语篇的理解在宏观形式上为超结构,在语义上为超层面。
(3)Most systems use synchronous satellites that stay in one position over the Earth. Synchronous satellites are launched to an altitude of 22,300 miles. At this altitude, the satellite"s revolution is synchronized with the Earth"s rotation. This means that the satellite completes one orbit during the same length of time that the earth makes one rotation on its axis. Three of these satellites, properly placed, can link stations in any two parts of the world.