蓝天保卫战make our skies blue again坚决打好蓝天保卫战。We will make our skies blue again.数字家庭digital homes扩大数字家庭、在线教育等信息消费We will increase ination consumptionincluding digital homes and online learning.数字经济digital economy今年网络提速降费要迈出更大不发,年内全部取消手机国内长途和漫游费,大幅降低中小企业互联网专线接入资费,降低国际长途电话费,推动“互联网+”深入发展、促进数字经济加快成长。This year,we will do more to increase broadband speed and lower rates for Internet services.Mobile rates for domestic roaming and long-distance calls will be can-celled,ratesfor broadband services for small and medium enterprises will be slashed,and rates for international calls will be lowered.We will push forward with theInternet Plus action plan and speed up the development of the digital economy.全域旅游all-for-one tourism完善旅游设施和服务,大力发展乡村、休闲、全域旅游。We will improve tourist facilities and services,and makea big push to develop rural tourism,recreational tourism,and all-for-one tourism.住房居住属性housing is people to live in坚持住房的居住属性,落实地方政府主体责任,加快建立和完善促进住房地产市场平稳健康发展的长效机制,以市场为主满足多层次需求,以政府为主提供基本保障。We need to be clear that housing is for people to live inand local goverments should take primary responsibilityin this respect.We should move faster to establish robust long-term mechanism for promoting thesteady and sound development of the real estate sector,with multiple levels of demand being met primarily bythe market,and basic housing support provided by thegovernment.河长制river chief system全面推行河长制,健全生态保护补偿机制。改革为经济社会发展增添了新动力。The river chief system was introduced for alllakes and rivers across the country,and the mechanismsfor compensating for ecologi-cal conservation effortswere improved.Re has given new impetus to economicand social development.海绵城市sponge cities推进海绵城市建设,使城市既有“面子” 、更有“里子”Further progress will be made in the devel-opment of sponge cities.All these efforts will make our citiesmore attractive and function better.农村土地“三权分置”separating rural land ownership rights,contract rights,and management rights完善农村土地“三权分置”办法,建立贫困退出机制。We improved measures for separating rural land ownership rights,contractrights,and management rights,and established a mechanism for determiningwhether people have been lifted out of poverty.清单管理制度the list-based management system全面实行清单管理制度,制定国务院部门权力和责任清单,扩大市场准入负面清单试点,减少政府的自由裁量权,增加市场的自主选择权。We will fully implement the list-based man-agement system,ulate listsof powers and responsibilities of the departments under the State Council,expand the piloting of granting market access on the basis of a negative list,and reduce the discretionary powers of the government while giving themarket more freedom to take its course.国家公园体制national parks system出台国家公园体制总体方案,为生态文明建设提供有力制度保障。We will introduce an overall plan for estab-lishing a national parks system.All these efforts should provide effective institutional safeguards forbuilding a sound ecological environment.人工智能 artifical intelligence第五代移动通信5G mobile communications加快新材料、人工智能、集成电路、生物制药、第五代移动通信等技术研发和转化,做大做强产业集群。We will accelerate R&D on and commercial-ization of new materials,artificialintelli-gence,integrated circuits,bio-pharmacy,5G mobile communications,andother technol-0gies,and develop industrial clusters in these fields.谈改革我国发展到现在这个阶段,不靠改革创新没有出路。Having reached the current stage of devel-opment,China can now advance onlythrough re and innovation.这是一个化蛹为蝶的转型升级过程,既充满希望又伴随阵痛,既非常紧迫又艰巨复杂。要勇往直前,坚决闯过这个关口。Like the struggle from chrysalis tobutterfly,this process of transationand upgrad-ing is filled with promise but also accompa-nied by great pain .it is urgent,idable,and complicated.We should press forward with courageand get the job done.谈民生民生是为政之要,必须时刻放在心头,扛在肩上。The wellbeing of the people is at the center of governance,it must be always on our minds and the responsibility for it mustnever leave our shoulders.该办能办的实事要竭力办好,基本民生的底线要坚决兜牢。Spare no effort to deliver benefit to themwherever possible,and ensure their basic living needs are met.谈经济中国人民有勇气、有智慧、有能力战胜任何艰难险阻,中国经济有潜力、有韧性、有优势,中国的发展前景一定会更好。We the Chinese people have the courage,ingenuity,and ability to overcomeany difficulty or hardship.It also shows that the Chinese economy possesses potential,resilience,and strengths,so we can be surethere is even better development ahead for China.谈简政放权我们一定要让企业和群众更多感受到“放管服”改革成效,着力打通“最后一公里” ,坚决除烦苛之弊、施公平之策、开便利之门。To see that businesses and the public benefit more from our resto streamline administration,delegate powers,and improve regulation and services,we must cut red tape,level the playing field ,provide greaterconvenience,and remove that last crucial hurdle.谈全球化中国是负责任的国家,作出的承诺一直认真履行,应有的权益将坚决捍卫。China is a responsible country.We have always striven to honorthe commitments we have made,and we will firmly defend our duerights and interests.谈环境治理必须科学施策、标本兼治、铁腕治理,努力向人民群众交出合格答卷。We must adopt well-designed policies,tackle both symptoms and rootcauses,and take tough steps to make the grade in responding to the people.对偷排、造假的,必须严厉打击,对执法不力、姑息纵容的,必须严肃追究,对空气质量恶化、应对不力的,必须严格问责。Illegal dischargers and fraud will be severely penalized.Officials who do a poor job in enforcing the law,knowinglyallow environ-mental violations,or respond inadequately toworsening air quality will be held fully accountable.治理雾霾人人有责,贵在行动、成在坚持。全社会不懈努力,蓝天必定会一年比一年多起来。Tackling smog is down to every last one of us,and success depends on action and commitment.As longas the whole of our society keeps trying,we will have more and more blueskies with each passing year.谈政府建设广大公务员要持廉守正,干干净净为人民做事。All public servants must have integrity,be upright,and get on honestlywith their jobs of serving the people.各级政府及其工作人员要干字当头。Governments at all levels and all government employees must make it ourpriority to get things done.真抓实干、埋头苦干、结合实际创造性地干。In pering duties,we should work hard,in a down-to-earth way,and we shouldbe innovative as actual conditions allow.不能纸上谈兵、光说不练。It s no good to just push paper and pay lipservice .给干事者鼓励,为担当者撑腰。Support those who are dedicated to their work and stand behind thosewho live up to their responsibilities.谈中国“质造”质量之魂,存于匠心。Quality is born of workmanship.要大力弘扬工匠精神,厚植工匠文化,恪尽职守操守,崇尚精益求精,培育众多“中国工匠”打造更多享誉世界的“中国品牌” ,推动中国经济发展进入质量时代。We will promote workmanship and foster a culture of workmanship where workers havea strong work ethic and tirelessly seek improvement. We will great numbers of Chineseworkers mplify workmanship and more Chinese brands enjoy interna-tional recognition.We will usher in an era of quality for economic development in China.谈奋斗使命重在担当,实干铸就辉煌。A new historical mission awaits us ,and with hard work we will achieve great success.